Friday, April 11, 2008


Yesterday was the same as Tuesday but I worked out harder before kickboxing. The actual kickboxing class was hard though because I was getting really hungry. I did manage to at least sit in the sauna for 20 minutes, with a robe on, and I was sweatysweaty by the time I hopped into the shower.

I have lost one pound this week though! Yay! One pound down, many more to go! Or I guess I could look at like, one pound at a time.

I am going to try and come back to workout after class today. But usually by the time class is over, I am so ready to get home to Chris. Maybe we can go for a walk/jog together. At least then I will have done something today. If not, then I can always get up on Sat morning. I hope it is as beautiful as this morning is shaping up to be.

I have been adding more vegetables to my diet. Since we moved to Sherman, our veggie intake has gone slowly down. I am planning on when moving back eating a lot of salads and steamed veggies. Chris doesn't like steamed veggies, but I lurve them! With some lemon juice and a little salt, they are perfect. I love veggies! It truly is amazing how much better I feel after eating them. They sustain me for so much longer than anything with a lot of carbs.

So that will be another goal. Let's talk about diet (as in what I eat daily, not what I am following);

Eat more veggies. Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, edamame, mixed greens, greens.

Lay off starchy, carby foods for dinner. In fact, just lay off all the time. They only make me sleepy throughout the rest of the day.

Drink more water. I do drink a lot of water, but I should be drinking more.

Take my vitamins!!!Daily!! Multi, folic, ginkgo, etc...

Intake more omega-3s in my diet. Through fish or pills or liquid form or avocadoes (yummmm).

EAT MORE SLOWLY. Oh gosh, this is the biggest challenge for me since i have a very bad habit of eating too fast. I have been thinking of syaing the ABCs in between bites just to slow me down. What do you think?

Yeah, I like these goals and am actually excited about eating more veggies. Chomp!

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