Thursday, April 24, 2008

oh wow

Yesterday I finally purchased new running shoes. They are Mizunos.

They look just like the picture, except replace all the black parts with green and that is my shoe! It is super comfy and since I pronate a tad, it helps me feet stay in line.

So this morning I met up with my friend Kat at the Lakeline Gold's Gym for the BodyPump class. Which is basically a class that does routines of low-weight, high repitition weights for the whole body. So there is a lunge part, back part, tricep, chest, lunges, and abs parts.

It was hard. But good. My body is going to be sore tomorrow.

I did about 17 min of cardio before the class and 25 min afterwards, followed by some hyperextensions. Last night at Ann's house, she had a little gathering of folks from her church and I ate one lemon bar, one cookie and a big cup of ice cream. I realized this morning that I was eating so much because I felt slightly awkward and out of place at the party since I only knew Ann. Everybody was nice, don't get me wrong, but since they didn't know me or why I was there, it felt a little awkward, a situation I created for myself and "rewarded" myself with sweets.

Not good.

But instead of feeling too bad, I just did more cardio today after class and promised to not eat anything sweet today and maybe tomorrow since this will be three days where I consumed a sweet item: Monday I had a vegan cookie; Tuesday I had a thick, dense chocolate/espresso cake and then the sweets at the gathering. Too much.

The good news is when I weighed myself today, I haven't gained any since traveling back to Austin. Which is good because I was worried that when I started working back at the store where temptations are everywhere, I was going to gain all that I had lost since January.

Tomorrow I plan to workout before heading to Sherman. I don't know if I will be able to run this weekend, but we'll see.

See you all on Monday!

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